Configure HP ILO via ESXi CLI – Reset ILO Password via ESXi CLI

VMware Virtual Machine Hosting

The HP server must have been installed with the HP ESXi ISO -or- Updated via VMware Update Manager (VUM) with the latest vibs from

The process to configure the ILO is as follows:

1.  SSH to the ESXi host

2. cd /opt/hp/tools

3. Export the current config:   ./hponcfg -w /tmp/ilo_config.txt

4. Edit the above export config file (/tmp/ilo_config.txt) and change the following variables:


5. Flash the updated config to the ILO:   ./hponcfg -f /tmp/ilo_config.txt

[Let the ILO restart]

6. You must now reset the Administrator password.    Create the file:   reset_admin_pw.xml with the below info and add the new password in the password section:

<ribcl VERSION="2.0">
<user_INFO MODE="write">
<mod_USER USER_LOGIN="Administrator">
<password value="newpass"/>

7. Flash “reset_admin_pw.xml” to the ILO:   ./hponcfg -f reset_admin_pw.xml

8.  Done.    You should be able to reach the ILO web management interface and login as Administrator.